It's Wednesday. These confessions so far this week have been great for me in addition to all the others but this week in particular. I have realized I am doing confessions of faith on promotion. Monday took the turn that led to these. So they are necessary. If you have having doubts about your future, Don't. God is in control remember Jeremiah 27:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I know I need to remember this often. You and I are in charge of how we think and speak. How we think and then speak creates our future. We are in business with God to bring about His will for our lives and He wants us to have life and have life more abundantly. Glory to God! Thank You Lord. Doing these confessions help to change my thinking and heart to focus on God and to trust Him.
I am keeping it short as I do not have any of my business to share today, LOL....enjoy your Wednesday!
Confession: Father, I thank You for my promotion and for that which is
necessary to bring about and/or attain my promotion in You. Thank You for
showing me how to yield to the power of God within that my life would be a total
and complete display of the life of God to those around. I am working unto the
Lord, and not with eye service as men pleasers, but doing Your will from the
heart as unto You and not unto men, knowing You are the One who rewards the
faithful doer. Thank You for giving me revelation of Your plan to promote me in
life, and what I need to do to receive it, according to Psalms 75:6-7. I
commission angels assigned to me to bring those into my life who are to assist
me and help fulfill God's purpose for my life. Thank You Father, for ministering
spirits, that move out and bring into my life everything You have predestined
and ordained for me to have. Thank You for Your angels going to the N, S, E, &
West to bring in facts and information that I need to assist with Your purpose
for my life. Prosperity and abundance abound in my life and overtake me because
of Your word.
Diamond Confessions by Dr. Jean Perez
Psalm 75:6-8
New King James Version (NKJV)
Nor from the west nor from the south.
7 But God is the Judge:
He puts down one,
And exalts another.