Saturday, April 27, 2013

Get Your Inheritance!!!

Everyone wants their inheritance, especially if it is of considerable value, and of some real worth to them. I know I do. We have as part of our spiritual inheritance the favor of God which has greater benefit to us than any natural inheritance we could receive. The favor of God is God’s ability, God’s empowerment, God’s anointing, God’s help, God’s power, and simply God’s involvement in your affairs that makes life easier, more productive with favorable conditions, eliminating the red tape of mere men that causes a lot of heartache and headache, gives you promotions and blessings that you could never naturally expect. God's favor will even cause your enemies to be at peace with you and help you succeed without them even knowing it if it has to be done that way. There are no limitations on just how beneficial this inheritance is to us. We certainly need in this time in the earth.

This is the time, the set time for God to favor you!  Favor is part of our redemptive package purchased by the finished work of Christ and it is simply just the nature of our loving heavenly Father to lavish His favor on us, especially when things are tough, when things are difficult, when things seem impossible and there’s no way out which is why I am writing this blog to keep these truths in remembrance and develop a habit of the right confession. With God’s favor we reign as kings in life instead of being ruled over by negative circumstances and situations. God wants each and every one of us to have life and have life more abundantly.

Proverbs 16:7 - When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.

Confession: Thank You, God of Glory, for the radical, bold, supercharged anointing I walk in and Your ability and will to do abundantly above all I could ask or think in all situations. God your involvement in my affairs makes life easier, more productive with favorable conditions, eliminating the red tape of mere men. It gives me promotions and blessings that I could never naturally expect. I Thank You for divine energy and supernatural strength. Thank You for giving me supernatural ability. I Thank You for the increasing anointing upon my life and glorious favor that goes before me this day. 


Friday, April 26, 2013

You Possess The Abundant Life


Okay! Okay! I have missed a day again. I got caught up and forget this time. See that's just why I am doing this. Forgetting confessions will not make life abundant. And Jesus came so we might have life and have life more abundantly. We want our abundant life. It is promised so let's walk in it. Thus, we gotta confess we have the abundant life with our mouths. Since I have missed a day I will post two "favor" confessions here today. Hey what's today? Oh okay, Friday. Okay, Thursday and today. That's right. No more chit chat let's get into it.


I am God's own. I am the apples of His eye.Thank you God that I have the peace that surpasses all understanding that keeps my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. Thank You for Your glory and anointing upon me, in me, through me, above me, around me, about me in all that I do and say to the glory of God. Thank You the favor of God hovers over me and causes things to work out for my good and your favor distinguishes me from others. Thank You for blessings with seeds in them that keep reproducing after their own kind. I find favor, good understanding, high esteem in Your sight and in the sight of man.


Thank You Lord that Your love for me is extravagant. Your blessings and favor surround me as a shield. Father You are the God of multiplication and addition and anything that subtracts or divides this day is removed from my life. The Spirit of God is living in me boldly today and I expect Him to do exceedingly above all that I could ask or imagine. The anointing assists me to the fullest extent this day, destroying any yokes or bandages that would hinder the move of God in my life or those I come in contact with. Thank You for the all mighty favor of God in my life.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

It's Wednesday!

WOW! It is already Wednesday. The weeks are going by faster and faster. Hope all of you are having a great week. I will keep this blog short and get to the confession of faith for favor. 

Confession: Thank you Lord for your favor surrounds me as with a shield. Thank You for the anointing upon my life and tongue that I may speak words of life to set others free and destroy yokes of bondage. You redeem me from a life from destruction, crown me with loving kindness and tender mercies, and satisfy my mouth with good things, so that my youth is renewed like the eagles. Thank You for the force of faith and the anointing in my life and in my circumstances. Your favor is for life. For the thoughts that You think toward me are thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give me a future and a hope. Thank you for the gift of unwavering faith in the Name of Jesus.

Psalm 5:12

Psalm 103:4–5

Psalm 30:5

Jeremiah 29:11

The power of blessing is more powerful than the power of cursing. We can release power and angelic ministry through the words of our mouth.



Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Are Perfect Quality

  “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)
  ”… but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32)
Confession: I stand out above the rest, I'm advanced to a degree beyond the average, and I'm perfect quality. I give attention to details and I excel in my relationship with God and everyone I come in contact with. I always give over and beyond what is needed, and I am never wasteful. I give birth to my full potential and I do have the spirit of excellence. I have the anointing of the Holy One and my purpose is established through You. Thank You, Father, for greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. When I am in my due season, I am bold and sharp as any other. I have a keen spirit of discernment and Your favor is on me. You bring promotion to me and You place people in my pathway to influence my purpose. Hallelujah! Thank you Lord for your favor.
Diamond Confessions by Dr. Jean Perez
Have a blessed day!

You Have The Power!

It was God’s anointing that gave David the power and the ability to take this giant down with one perfectly, well-placed blow. This was not a lucky shot – it was God’s anointing that made this shot a perfect shot the first time David released it. And in the same way, God can anoint you right in the middle of your own personal battles just like He did with David since He is no respecter of persons.

In many of the trials that will come our way in this life, we will need to take some specific steps on our end to get the problem resolved. We will need to take some kind of direct action. And as we are moving to take this direct action, God’s anointing will then come upon us to enable us to come through the trial with a complete victory just like He did with King David.

Confession: I am a distributor of the anointing of God and nothing touches the anointing God has placed in my life. I am what the Word says I am, I have what the Word says I have, I can do what the Word says I can do. I am a believer not a doubter. My circumstances are shaped by the Word of God and You are an awesome God. I worship You, Father, for Your demonstration of righteousness through me and activating Your power in my life. As I walk in the favor of God, I walk in supernatural strength and ability of the Lord, with access to natural authority and power given to others which is delegated to me in order that their needs might be met.

Diamond Confessions by Dr. Jean Perez