Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Have The Power!

It was God’s anointing that gave David the power and the ability to take this giant down with one perfectly, well-placed blow. This was not a lucky shot – it was God’s anointing that made this shot a perfect shot the first time David released it. And in the same way, God can anoint you right in the middle of your own personal battles just like He did with David since He is no respecter of persons.

In many of the trials that will come our way in this life, we will need to take some specific steps on our end to get the problem resolved. We will need to take some kind of direct action. And as we are moving to take this direct action, God’s anointing will then come upon us to enable us to come through the trial with a complete victory just like He did with King David.

Confession: I am a distributor of the anointing of God and nothing touches the anointing God has placed in my life. I am what the Word says I am, I have what the Word says I have, I can do what the Word says I can do. I am a believer not a doubter. My circumstances are shaped by the Word of God and You are an awesome God. I worship You, Father, for Your demonstration of righteousness through me and activating Your power in my life. As I walk in the favor of God, I walk in supernatural strength and ability of the Lord, with access to natural authority and power given to others which is delegated to me in order that their needs might be met.

Diamond Confessions by Dr. Jean Perez

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